Mudguard for agricultural machinery 16-28" DOMAR T10100 wheel arch 960/310mm
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Mudguard for agricultural machinery 16-28" DOMAR T10100 wheel arch 960/310mm
The T10100 DOMAR mudguard is designed for agricultural and construction machines equipped with wheels with a diameter of 16 to 28 inches . Its dimensions are 960 mm long, 310 mm wide and 215 mm high . The mudguard does not have factory mounting holes, which gives the user the freedom to adjust the mounting points to a specific machine.
The product is made of high-quality polypropylene (PP) , which is characterized by exceptional resistance to weather conditions , such as UV radiation, rainfall or frost, as well as the aging process of the material. Additionally, the material used to produce the mudguard is environmentally friendly because it is recyclable.
Mudguards are an important element of agricultural and construction machinery equipment, performing protective functions. The basic task of mudguards is to protect the surroundings from splashes of water, mud or stones from under the wheels during field work. Properly fitted, they also protect the machine itself from mechanical damage caused by dirt thrown from under the wheels. By reducing water splashes and limiting the spread of dirt, mudguards significantly improve visibility and work safety . They are also an aesthetic element, giving the machine a professional look.